How It Works
What is the optimal amount of pages for my paper?
The amount of pages entirely depends on the amount of words that you need, if the margins length is one inch. The double-spaced page contains about 275 words while a single-spaced page holds about 550 words.
What time frame should we expect?
We will fulfill your order without waiting for the specified period. Note: that refers to the deadline of the first draft. The final submission deadline can be seen in the “Order” form. When we receive your money a timer starts. In case of each new edition, be sure to specify a new term.
Can I pay after receiving the document?
Such things are impossible. There won’t be any work till you pay. Also, the timer only starts working after you pay. Please read our essay samples carefully to understand what orders we do.
Can you trust us?
Of course, Yes. We passed through thousands of customers and they were all pleased with our work. We need not to know your confidential data. We only need your address, name, telephone number and last four digits of your credit card number. For safety reasons your payment will be processed by the protected payment system.
-Complete the form (remember, you must not modify the sent information)
-If that is your primary order, you will need to automatically create an account on Once you provide necessary details connected to your order, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
– Also before sending, enter the discount code (if there is one).
2. Payment making.
What are you paying for? Headings, links are for free. You only need to pay for the amount. The formatting is free, too.
Why do we need Authorization?
It is needed in some cases to ensure the solvency of the customer who orders large texts in a short time.
How about discounts?
We appreciate our loyal customers, and we have a flexible discount system.
-MasterCard, Visa, Discover, AmEx are acceptable.
-The protected online payment system will route your payment.
3. Order process.
Who will be working on my order?
Our best specialists will write texts for you. Our Quality Assurance Department carefully selects the best professional writers in different areas to make your paper as accurate as possible. We cannot guarantee you a writer from a specific country, but you are able choose between British and American English.
Can I contact my writer?
For this, we have a wonderful messaging system. You can easily find it in the control panel of your profile. Unfortunately, we do not disclose telephone numbers and emails of our writers for security reasons.
How can I connect my writer?
You must give us all possible information on the project, so our writers can satisfy all your wishes concerning the order. Use the section “Files” to download any useful materials. You can download any popular files, such as .doc and .pdf. If you cannot upload any file for technical reasons, you should connect with our Customer Support Representatives or give all information to [email protected].
-Provide all essential docs.
-Maintain communication with the writer and support team.
-Wait for the order to be finished.
4. The Order Was Delivered.
How will I get my order?
You will get a letter when the order is done. You can find your order in your profile page in “Files” section.
Why do you need a preview?
This easy function will help you to check your order and determine whether it suits you. We can always take the order back for review if you don’t approve it. If we receive it back, you must provide us with new instructions and define new terms.
Changes in available papers
The revision can be ordered before or after you had approved the text. You can do this three times. If you require changes after the text was approved, you should call our Customer Support Representatives. After approving the text you will have 7 days to request a revision. If ordering over twenty pages, you have fourteen days to check the text and find discrepancies with the task. Inspect our Revision Policy, if you need more information.
The uniqueness of texts
Single-spaced pages: from one to five pages – %PRICE%, 6 and more – %PRICE%. Plus, you should pay two dollars for every extra page. Double-spaced pages: from one to ten pages: – %PRICE%, 11 and more – %PRICE%. Plus, you should pay a dollar for every extra page.
– Carefully inspect your order in the preview.
– Click “Approve” button or
– Return the text on rework.